Gold Exploration, Groundwater, Geotechnical investigation, Image the ground and subsurface




A Case Study on Town Water Supply :




  •  Unlocking Abundance
  • The existing town  system has its fair share of limitations and insufficiency. Firstly, the quantity of water extracted from these wells is insufficient to meet the ever-increasing demands of the growing population. As the town expands, more households, businesses, and infrastructure require access to clean and reliable water, stretching the capacity of the current system to its limits. Additionally, the quality of water obtained from the local wells is not always up to the desired standards. To address these issues and unlock abundant water resources, the town embarked on an ambitious exploration and drilling project













Layout and bore positions

area map

Exploration and Test Well Drilling

The Initial Exploration Process

To unlock abundant water resources for the town, an extensive exploration process was undertaken. This involved careful planning and detailed analysis of the local geological formations to identify potential sources of water. The first step in this process was conducting a thorough survey of the area to determine the most suitable location for drilling test wells.


channel aquifer

Drilling the Test Well

Once the ideal site was identified, the drilling of a test well commenced. This involved using specialized equipment to bore into the channel formations beneath the ground. The test well was designed to provide valuable data about the water availability and quality in the area. The drilling process itself was a complex operation that required skilled profession

Test well 1

Test Wells #1

Substantial Yield and Implications

The first  test wells yielded promising results, exceeding expectations. It produced a substantial volume of water, indicating the presence of a significant water resource beneath the surface.  This finding brings hope to the town, as it signals the possibility of addressing the current limitations and insufficiencies of the existing water supply system. Not only does the test well provide valuable information about the water quantity, but it also allows for the assessment of the water quality. It offers a glimmer of hope for a more sustainable and resilient water supply system in the town.



well airlift

Well drilling and development #2

Production tests

To ensure the reliability and sustainability of the newly discovered water source, rigorous production tests were conducted on the wells. These tests aimed to evaluate the performance of the wells under various pumping conditions and assess the recovery rates of the water source. The production tests involved pumping water from the wells at different rates and monitoring the behavior of the water levels. The results yielded valuable insights into the characteristics of the water source and its potential to meet the town's water supply demands.



Well testing

Well testing

Low downward movement and good recovery

One of the key findings from the production tests was the remarkably low downward movement of the water levels in the wells during pumping. This indicates that the aquifer, from which the water is sourced, has a high capacity for replenishment.  After the pumping stopped, the water levels in the wells quickly rebounded, indicating a robust ability of the aquifer to recharge itself. This bodes well for the long-term reliability of the water source, as it suggests that even during periods of high demand, the wells can recover and continue supplying water without depletion.

In Short

The discovery of this abundant water source holds immense promise for the town's water supply scheme. With a reliable and plentiful water source now within reach, the potential for expansion and improvement is boundless

well drawdown plot

Drawdown plot from test well